What is otherwise reserved for institutional investors, we make available to private investors. Through the LINUS platform, you can invest as a co-investor in private real estate debt and equity. Benefit from advantages in return and diversification of your portfolio.
We offer investments in private real estate on an institutional level. For this purpose, we analyze investment opportunities from our network and use our proven screening and due diligence processes.
We screen hundreds of investments and projects from our large network, selecting the best to offer to our co-investors. Benefit from our large reach and investment opportunities otherwise reserved for institutional investors.
Our team's in-depth due diligence, detailed data analysis and years of experience ensure that we select only the highest quality investment opportunities.
We invest our own capital in each investment and remain invested over the entire term. With your investment, you become our co-investor via the LINUS platform and benefit from attractive returns.
Sources: Performance Indices - Shares: MSCI World (daily), Bonds: Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond Index (daily), REITs: MSCI AVWI REITs Index (daily), Private Real Estate: Global Real Estate Fund Index (quarterly); Comparative periods - 5 years: Q3 2016 to Q3 2021, 10 years: Q3 2011 to Q3 2021, 15 years: Q3 2006 to Q3 2021.
convincing RISK/RETURN profile
As a LINUS co-investor, you can use our products to expand your portfolio with high-quality real estate investments. This enables you to achieve attractive returns that, adjusted for risk, are above the level of comparable investment opportunities.
Use our calculator to simulate how the addition of private real estate can affect key ratios in your portfolio.
Sources: Performance indices - Equities: MSCI World (daily), Bonds: Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond Index (daily), Private Real Estate: Global Real Estate Fund Index (quarterly); Risk-free rate for Sharpe ratio - ECB Euro area yield curves; Comparison periods - 5 years: Q3 2016 to Q3 2021, 10 years: Q3 2011 to Q3 2021, 15 years: Q3 2006 to Q3 2021 // The Sharpe ratio, also known as the reward-to-variability ratio, measures the excess return of a financial investment per unit of risk. The higher the Sharpe ratio, the better the underlying financial product.
Linus Growth
Linus Funds
Linus Portfolio
Linus Core
Frequently asked questions
Based on our proven process, we only select particularly high-quality investments from the range offered by our first-class network. Our team of experts thoroughly examine each investment and real estate project. This includes the analysis of the business plan, legal due diligence, but also a technical and a comparative analysis. Only 8% of potential investment opportunities receive our investment commitment. This way we ensure the highest possible quality for our co-investors.
We are convinced of the success of the investments we offer. To ensure the highest quality of real estate investments on the LINUS platform, all investments undergo a defined review process. Since we are substantially involved in all our investments and therefore have a vested interest in making them a success, your interests and ours are equal. Your success is our success.
Private real estate refers to all investments that are made outside publicly accessible markets and are characterised by correspondingly high entry barriers such as investment amount and access. A distinction is made between private debt, i.e. financing through outside capital, and private equity, i.e. financing through equity capital. Both forms have so far only been accessible to institutional investors such as insurers, family offices and pension funds.
Our Private Real Estate offerings give you access to investments that are otherwise not available to private investors. With LINUS you invest on an institutional level, benefiting from our careful selection and attractive risk/return ratio thanks to thorough due diligence and risk assessment. It is not for nothing that Private Real Estate is a very common component of family offices and institutional asset management. Since we also take care of the administration for you and you can easily invest digitally, we are convinced that LINUS products are particularly attractive compared to other real estate investments.
Get in touch with us
Book a personal meeting with our Relationship Manager now
E-mail to: [email protected]
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 896 778 264

Maximilian Redmann
Head of Distribution